Who am I?

I was sitting around the other day, trying to come up a post when it hit me. Why not re-introduce myself? 

Here goes nothing. 

Me on Thanksgiving

  1. I’m allergic to Squirt, the soda. It’s my only allergy.
  2. I have a strange phobia of elevators. 
  3. I dislike chocolate. 
  4. My husband and I have been together for 10 years, this year. We will be celebrating 5 years of marriage this August.
  5. We are parents to a three-year-old golden doodle named Stella. Picture Below.  
  6. Reading is my favorite pastime. I love getting lost into a book.
  7. I’m obsessed with soccer. 
  8. I coach a Girls Under-18 soccer team
  9. I love country music. Carrie Underwood is one of my favorites.
  10. I tend to change my purse as much as I change my clothes.  At a friend’s wedding last October 
  11. I chose Pepsi over Coke every time.
  12. I’m born and raised in Washington. 
  13. I have very strong localities to all Seattle Sports.
  14. I love to travel. 
  15. I’ve considered going back to school to get a teaching degree.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me again. 

Until next time!




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